The Burkina Faso tourist or business visa is usually valid for five years from date issued, for a stay not to exceed 90 days.
Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is not required at time of visa issuance, however the Embassy of Burkina Faso advises that it must be presented upon arrival.
Your application will be hand carried to the Embassy, and is usually processed in 3-4 business days. Rush service is available in 1-2 business days for an additional fee of $50.00.
Be aware that photographing airports, military barracks and the vicinity of government offices is prohibited by law.
The national currency is the CFA franc, a common currency for Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. A fix exchange rate has been defined for CFA franc and Euro: CFA F 655.95= Euro 1.
Transportation: in Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Banfora and Koudougou, taxis and car rental are available at reasonable fares;
Accommodations: hotels, inns, motels and camps are available in all cities, and in tourist and safari areas at wide-ranging prices.
Useful contacts:
Airport: (226) 50 3065 15/19
Emergency: (226) 50 30 66 44 /45
Police: (226) 50 30 63 83 /50 30 71 00
Fire-fighters: (226) 50 30 69 48 /31 01 70
Gendarmerie: (226) 50 31 33 40 /49